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Crowdfunding Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

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Crowdfunding Statistics You Need to Know in 2024
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Crowdfunding Statistics in 2024

In recent years crowdfunding has taken the world by storm, providing a platform for entrepreneurs, artists, and social causes to raise funds from a vast pool of supporters. As we process through 2024, it is crucial to examine the latest crowdfunding statistics in 2024 to comprehend the current landscape and future trajectory of this dynamic industry. In this article, we will explore the key figures and trends shaping the crowdfunding sector. But first, let us ask ourselves: what do these numbers reveal about the state of crowdfunding in 2024?

Key Takeaways

·       Market Size and Growth: The global crowdfunding market is projected to reach £7.5 billion in 2024, with North America leading and Asia-Pacific experiencing the highest growth rate.

·       Campaign Performance: Success rates have improved, with 23% of projects reaching their funding goals and the average amount raised per successful campaign increasing to £75,000.

·       Investor Behaviour: Millennials, Generation Z, and women are driving the crowdfunding industry, with a growing percentage of repeat backers.

·       Platform Trends: Kickstarter and Indiegogo dominate, while niche platforms and blockchain integration gain traction.

·       Social Impact: Cause-based campaigns, particularly environmental and social justice causes, are on the rise, with campaigns from emerging economies raising over £500 million.

Market Size and Growth

Impressive Expansion

In 2024, the global crowdfunding market is projected to reach a staggering £7.5 billion, representing a significant increase from the £5.2 billion recorded in 2023. This growth can be attributed to the increasing popularity of crowdfunding platforms and the rising number of successful campaigns across various sectors.

Regional Dominance

North America continues to lead the crowdfunding industry, accounting for 45% of the global market share in 2024. However, Asia-Pacific is experiencing the highest growth rate, with crowdfunding statistics in 2024 indicating a 25% year-on-year increase in the region's crowdfunding activities.

Campaign Performance

Success Rates

The success rate of crowdfunding campaigns has seen a slight uptick, with 23% of projects reaching their funding goals in 2024, compared to 21% in the previous year. This improvement can be attributed to better campaign planning, effective marketing strategies, and increased trust in crowdfunding platforms.

Average Funding Amounts

Crowdfunding statistics in 2024 reveal that the average amount raised per successful campaign has increased to £75,000, a 15% rise from 2023. This growth indicates a maturing market, with backers showing greater confidence in supporting high-quality projects.

Investor Behaviour

Backer Demographics

Millennials and Generation Z continue to be the driving force behind crowdfunding, with 60% of backers belonging to these age groups in 2024. Women are also playing a more significant role, accounting for 48% of total backers, up from 45% in the previous year.

Repeat Backers

The percentage of repeat backers has risen to 35% in 2024, suggesting a growing level of trust and satisfaction among investors. This trend highlights the importance of building a loyal community and delivering on campaign promises to encourage ongoing support.

Platform Trends

Dominant Players

Kickstarter and Indiegogo remain the leading crowdfunding platforms, collectively hosting 65% of all campaigns in 2024. However, niche platforms focusing on specific industries or causes are gaining traction, catering to the unique needs of their target audiences. One such emerging niche platform is NextCrowd, a UK-based equity and debt crowdfunding platform aiming to connect investors with alternative investment opportunities.

Blockchain Integration

The integration of blockchain technology into crowdfunding platforms has seen a significant uptick, with 20% of platforms now offering blockchain-based solutions. This trend aims to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in the fundraising process.

Social Impact

Cause-Based Campaigns

Social causes and non-profit organisations are increasingly turning to crowdfunding to support their initiatives. In 2024, cause-based campaigns account for 30% of all crowdfunding projects, with environmental and social justice causes leading the way.

Global Reach

Crowdfunding has enabled projects from developing nations to gain global exposure and support. Crowdfunding statistics in 2024 show that campaigns from emerging economies have raised over £500 million, empowering local communities and fostering international collaboration.


The crowdfunding statistics in 2024 paint a picture of an industry that continues to evolve and expand, offering new opportunities for entrepreneurs, creators, and social causes. As the market matures, it is evident that crowdfunding has become an integral part of the global funding landscape, democratising access to capital and fostering innovation across various sectors.

The growth in market size, increased success rates, and the rise of repeat backers demonstrate the growing trust and confidence in crowdfunding as a viable fundraising method. Moreover, the integration of blockchain technology and the emphasis on social impact campaigns highlight the industry's adaptability and potential to drive positive change.

As we move forward, it is essential for those considering crowdfunding to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices. By understanding the dynamics of the market and the behaviour of backers, campaign creators can develop strategies that maximise their chances of success and contribute to the continued growth of this transformative industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the latest crowdfunding statistics in 2024?

According to the latest crowdfunding statistics in 2024, the global crowdfunding market is projected to reach £7.5 billion. The success rate of campaigns has risen to 23%, with the average amount raised per successful campaign increasing to £75,000. Millennials, Generation Z, and women are driving the industry, with a growing percentage of repeat backers.

How has the global crowdfunding market grown in recent years?

The global crowdfunding market has experienced significant growth in recent years. In 2024, the market is projected to reach £7.5 billion, up from £5.2 billion in 2023. This growth can be attributed to the increasing popularity of crowdfunding platforms, the rising number of successful campaigns, and the growing trust and confidence in crowdfunding as a viable fundraising method.

Which regions are leading the crowdfunding industry?

North America continues to lead the crowdfunding industry, accounting for 45% of the global market share in 2024. However, Asia-Pacific is experiencing the highest growth rate, with crowdfunding statistics indicating a 25% year-on-year increase in the region's crowdfunding activities.

What factors contribute to the success of crowdfunding campaigns?

Several factors contribute to the success of crowdfunding campaigns. These include effective campaign planning, compelling storytelling, attractive rewards, active community engagement, and strategic marketing efforts. Successful campaigns often have clear goals, a well-defined target audience, and a strong social media presence. Building trust and transparency with backers is also crucial for campaign success.

How are blockchain and social impact shaping the future of crowdfunding?

Blockchain technology and social impact are two significant trends shaping the future of crowdfunding. The integration of blockchain into crowdfunding platforms aims to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in the fundraising process. This technology can help to reduce fraud, facilitate cross-border transactions, and enable fractional ownership of assets.

Social impact campaigns, particularly those focusing on environmental and social justice causes, are on the rise. Crowdfunding has become a powerful tool for non-profit organisations and social entrepreneurs to raise funds and awareness for their initiatives. As more people seek to make a positive difference in the world, social impact crowdfunding is expected to continue growing in the coming years.

Remember, the above is not advice, just a guide and a few tips on what to look for. It’s always good to get professional advice and carry out thorough due diligence as your capital is at risk before investing. 

Author: Nikki Dale

Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the information we have provided is correct at the time of publishing. We recommend that you seek professional advice on any topic discussed. NextFin is not liable for any damages arising from the use of or inability to use this site or any material contained in it, or from any action taken as a result of using the site.

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As seen in:

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